Rita glavin donziger
Rita glavin donziger

rita glavin donziger

No one seems that inter­est­ed in treat­ing the law case as a law case.

rita glavin donziger

More recent­ly, my view that Donziger was pret­ty obvi­ous­ly guilty of con­tempt of court, and that Judge Pres­ka was right not to allow him to put on evi­dence at his tri­al show­ing that Judge Kaplan had been biased and had got­ten his find­ings of fact all wrong about what had hap­pened in Ecuador, has not endeared me to Donziger and his par­ti­sans. Years ago, when I was argu­ing that the law should be that if you get a case dis­missed in a US court on forum non con­ve­niens grounds in favor of lit­i­ga­tion in anoth­er coun­try, you should­n’t be heard lat­er to com­plain that that coun­try’s courts are cor­rupt as a rea­son for a US court not to rec­og­nize the judg­ment, and that evi­dence of cor­rup­tion in the Lago Agrio court of first instance should not be enough to lead a US court to reject the judg­ment as long as there was no show­ing that the Ecuado­ran appel­late courts were cor­rupt, Chevron’s par­ti­sans were, I think, not too hap­py with me. The Chevron/Ecuador/Donziger case is a great exam­ple of this. Kaplan haswith investments, Chevron is a recent client of S&K, and Preska is a leader of the Chevron-funded Federalist Society, an infamously powerful and pro-corporate law organization.One thing I have learned in many years of writ­ing about law cas­es that are polit­i­cal­ly or moral­ly impor­tant to peo­ple is that there real­ly is no mar­ket on social media for writ­ing about them as law cas­es. Chevron then got Judge Lewis Kaplan to appoint private law firm Seward and Kissel’s Rita Glavin as prosecutor, and named Judge Loretta Preska to preside over the case.Īll three are closely tied through Chevron. Not only is this a basic violation of attorney-client privilege, he faces six months imprisonment on top of this excessive pretrial-detention for a misdemeanor contempt of court charge that has at worst led to a 90 day sentence.įederal prosecutors declined this case on legal grounds. In echoing the calls from over a dozen human rights groups, Amnesty International, 68 Nobel laureates, and members of Congress including NY’s own AOC and Jamal Bowman, we see the corruption that the DOJ can stop.ĭonziger has endured over 640 days of house arrest for refusing to release his computer, phone, and passwords to Chevron.


Merrick Garland: Stop This Trial For Full DOJ Case Takeover, and End Donziger’s Detainment

Rita glavin donziger