Image via minmax.gg (Image credit: Hopoo Games) Rare / Green Risk of Rain 2 items Nothing fancy, just keep playing and killing elites and you'll get this item eventually.
Rusted Key: spawns a free bonus chest in each level.Play safe, play with friends, and try to kill the boss quickly so you can safely stay inside the red teleport charge aura. To unlock: charge a teleporter without getting hit. Backup Magazine: gain an extra charge on your secondary skill.When you use one, you'll lose a random item from your inventory in exchange for whatever that printer is offering. 3D printers are those little machines that spit out specific items. To unlock: duplicate the same item seven times in a row at a 3D printer. Bundle of Fireworks: opening a chest or container launches homing fireworks that damage enemies.You'll find elites all over the place on higher difficulties, so you'll knock this one out pretty quickly. Medkit: regain a bit of health roughly one second after taking damage.You'll unlock this naturally just by playing, but you can speed up the process by buying new items from those three-pronged vending machines. To unlock: find ten different Common / White items. Crowbar: deal more damage to enemies with 90% or more of their health.You have to fail on the same Shrine of Chance - the ones that cost money and reward items - so cross your fingers the other way and pray for the worst. To unlock: fail a Shrine of Chance three times in a row. Paul's Goat Hoof: increases movement speed.

Tougher Times: chance to block incoming damage.